
Zong-Xian Huang

Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy

What brought you to CTG UAlbany?

I am a Ph.D. student in Public Administration and Policy with a concentration in Public Management. My current research interests include issues related to information technologies management and digital government. To me, CTG UAlbany is like an innovative hub where academic ideas and practical solutions intersect. It is not only an excellent place to learn about cutting-edge ICTs, but also a unique field for Ph.D. students to learn from both scholars and practitioners simultaneously.


What did you do prior to coming to CTG UAlbany?

Prior to coming to CTG, I worked as a full-time research assistant at National Chengchi University for two years in Taiwan. During that time, I assisted in a research project that aimed to explore the strategies for open government reform in Taiwan, conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups with public managers from government agencies. Before working on the research project, I received my master's degree in Public Administration from National Chengchi University and my bachelor's degree in Public Administration and Policy from National Taipei University.


What are your plans/goals for the future?

My future goals are to explore some critical questions regarding how governments apply burgeoning ICTs in their daily operations, and identifying the potential benefits and drawbacks of utilizing these advanced technologies. After obtaining my Ph.D. degree, I hope to continue exploring these questions in academic positions or research-oriented institutions, making contributions to the knowledge of digital government.


How can CTG UAlbany help you reach your goal for the future?

CTG can provide me with a combination of theoretical knowledge from academic thought and practical insights from real-world applied projects. Additionally, interacting with a diverse group of people in CTG will be a valuable experience for me, as it will expose me to different perspectives and ideas and help me structure my future academic roadmap.