Hans Jochen Scholl, Ph.D. (Information Science, SUNY Albany, 2002) is a Full Professor with tenure in the Information School at the University of Washington, which has repeatedly been ranked one of the top schools of its kind worldwide. His research expertise is focused on information management. Special topics of interest include smart government and smart governance, process analysis, interoperability, information artifact evaluation as well as disaster information management using novel information technologies and its uses as a major focus.
He serves as an Associate Editor to Government Information Quarterly, the leading journal in electronic government, as well as a member on the editorial boards of other e-government-related journals. He chairs or co-chairs e-government conferences, such as the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) E-Government Conference, as well as the globally leading E-government Track and E-Government Symposium at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Jochen is the Chair (2013 to 2017) of the IFIP TC3 WG 8.5 (Information Systems and Public Administration) and is a past president of the Digital Government Society (2010-2011).
Refereed Journal Articles:
Refereed Conference Papers: