A Protocolized, Comparative Study of Helios Voting and Scytl/iVote

David Yeregui Marcos del Blanco ; Mila Gascó-Hernandez
June 18, 2019


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E-voting implantation is happening at a slower pace than anticipated. A plethora of technical and social challenges hinder a deeper implementation. 

In this article, the problem is addressed by applying a practical evaluation framework to two of the most relevant e-voting tools: Helios Voting and iVote from Scytl. 

The framework is strongly based on the technical requirements issued by the Council of Europe in 2017. The authors believe it can constitute a useful source of information for election officials, researchers and even voters.

The final purpose is contributing to a gradual, secure and protocolized expansion of e-voting in Europe; more so in the present times, with mounting geo-political challenges and tensions. 

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